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InCARE presented at the “Age and Care Conference” in Graz
InCARE findings were presented at the “Age and Care Conference” 20-22 September 2023 in Graz. This conference marked the inauguration of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Ageing and Care (CIRAC) of the University of Graz. The interdisciplinary approach of the event and the aim of bringing “Theories in Conversation” proved very inspiring. Numerous panels showed the different approaches to “Ageing in a Caring Society”. This approach was also reflected in the keynotes by the four distinguished speakers Joan Tronto, Kelli Stajduhar, Stephen Katz and Amelia DeFalco. Findings of the InCARE implementation in Austria were presented in a poster session on the second day of the conference. The Austrian team reflected on the differences between striving for a one-stop-shop for information, the idea of a single entry point, and the importance of taking social knowledge networking into account. InCARE findings were received with high interest and led to multiple exchanges with academics involved in research in the field of Aging and Care.
Photo: InCARE representatives Karin Ondas, Rosemarie Kurz and Margit Gross presenting the InCARE poster
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