European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research

Researcher – European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna)
Dr. Kadi completed a postdoc at the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine at Tübingen University (Germany) and holds a PhD in Sociology from Teesside University (United Kingdom). Her research focuses on access to and quality of care, concepts of ageing well and ageing & technology.

Researcher – European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna)
Senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health
Stefania holds a PhD in health economics. She has extensive experience working at the interface between policy and research, dividing her time between applied research, policy advice and advocacy efforts with a focus on long-term care, equity, health and social policy.

Executive Director – European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna)
Dr. Leichsenring holds a doctorate in Political Sciences and Communication Research. He has over 30 years’ experience in comparative and applied social research, project management and policy consultancy with a focus on ageing, health and long-term care, and related issues such as governance and financing, quality management, user involvement and informal care.

Researcher – European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna)
Ms. Simmons has a background in quantitative data analysis, health policy and long-term care. Her expertise and interests lie in financing of long-term care, working conditions of the long-term care workforce, inequalities in health and long-term care, and informal care.

Researcher – European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research
Dr Lorenz-Dant holds a doctorate in Social Policy from the LSE. She works on several projects in the field of long-term care, some of which focus on dementia care. Topics of interest include unpaid care, community-based care, residential care, health and long-term care systems and policy. Her work spans high- and middle-income countries.

Head of Administration and Finance – European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna)
Judith Schreiber has extensive experience in financial and administrative management of projects funded by various EU programmes and other international donors. She holds a Master’s Degree in Business Education and has been the Head of Administration and Finance at the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research since 2011.

Administration and Finance Officer – European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna)
Ms. Scharf has ten years of experience in financial and administrative reporting of national and international research projects and holds a Master’s degree in European Economy and Business Management.

Researcher – European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna)
Dr. Kahlert has 18 years of experience in leading evaluation projects internationally in education, health, and social services. Before joining the European Centre in 2017, she co-directed the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Health Promotion Research. In 2001–2013, Dr. Kahlert held several evaluation positions at the University of Texas at Austin, from where she received a Ph.D. in Public Policy.

Researcher – European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna)
Dr. Elif Naz Kayran works as a researcher at the Employment and Labour Mobility Team at the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research and holds a PhD in political science from the University of Geneva, IHEID. She works on European migration and mobility policies and comparative welfare studies and collaborates with the InCARE team for project evaluation.

Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science

Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, Department of Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science
Adelina Comas-Herrera’s research focuses on long-term care and dementia care systems and policy, she is co-lead of a project to strengthen responses to dementia in 7 Middle-Income countries and, during the COVID-19 pandemic, led the LTCcovid.org initiative. She is currently analysing long-term care system responses to COVID-19 through the Social Care Recovery and Resilience project.
Research Fellow, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science
Maximilian’s current research topics include comparative effectiveness of dementia interventions in low- and middle-income countries, COVID-19 infections, mortality, and interventions in long-term care settings, and evidence standards in pharmaceutical regulation. He holds an MSc in Health Policy, Planning and Financing from LSE and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Vilans, National Centre of Expertise for Long-Term Care
the Netherlands

Director of Strategy and Development of Vilans, Centre of Expertise for Long-Term Care in the Netherlands. Moreover, he is professor of Organisation and Policy Development in Long-term Care at the Jo Visser Endowed Chair at the VU University of Amsterdam. Amongst others, he is member of the Quality Council at the National Health Care Institute of the Netherlands an member of the board of Eurocarers.
Henk graduated as a psycho-gerontologist and obtained his PhD on policy research in care for older people. He always worked at the edge of policy, practice and research. He has wide experience in various national innovation and improvement programmes in long-term care. He was involved in national and international (comparative) research projects on integrated care, quality management, dignity, the position of care workers and informal carers and innovation in care education.

Researcher – Vilans, National Centre of Expertise for Long-Term Care, the Netherlands
Lian Stouthard is a health policy researcher with a background in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences and experience in international (research)projects. Her research mainly focusses on the organization of integrated health and social care for older people living at home.

Luuk van Gerven – Researcher – Vilans, National Centre of Expertise for Long-Term Care, the Netherlands
Luuk is a health system researcher with a background in Vitality & Ageing. His research focusses on integrated care as well as the infrastructure of expertise distribution and prioritizing knowledge gaps for further research.

Sr. Researcher – Vilans, National Centre of Expertise for Long-Term Care, the Netherlands
PhD Candidate – Tilburg University / TIAS School for Business and Society
Nick Zonneveld is a health services/health system researcher with a background in Public Administration and Organization Studies. He has experience in several international and national research projects, mainly on organizing and governing integrated health and social care services.

Ephrem Tesfay is a researcher with a primary focus on integrated care. He has a clinical background as a medical doctor and a master’s degree in Vitality and Ageing.


Policy and project officer
Claire has extensive experience of policy work, research and project coordination in the social field at local and European levels. She has worked with social NGOs at the European level for more than 15 years, and contributed to efficient lobbying and awareness raising strategies aimed at developing social cohesion. Claire studied Political Sciences and Sociology.

Senior Communication Officer
Olivier is a creative content and communication specialist. He has been working as a communication consultant for NGO’s for the last 4 years. Prior to that, Olivier has been active in Civil Society Organisations in the health and social sectors for more than 15 years. He has designed, developed and implemented successful communication campaigns and strategies at UN and EU levels. He also has a significant track record in the development of visual identities and conception of visual elements and global campaigns’ deliverables.

Eurocarers’ Executive Director
Stecy has extensive experience of project design and management, and has worked in the social and health fields for more than 13 years. He has played a leading role in international ventures aiming to promote and defend important rights such as universal and equitable access to health, the achievement of MDGs, press freedom, children’s rights and participative democracy.
In his previous job he was Manager for a not-for-profit organisation which fostered learning between countries in what works to improve health and tackle health inequalities, particularly through action on the social determinants of health. He built up the portfolio of work, including in the framework of the EU Employment and Social Investment (EaSI) programme, to develop and lead several initiatives which brought together partners and stakeholders to improve health. He has worked with several parts of the EU institutions, World Health Organization and Civil Society.

Administration and Finance Officer
Jevgenija has worked in different administrative functions in Belgium since 2004 gaining extensive experience in finance and human resources management and general office administration. She holds a Master Degree in management and administration in addition to several diplomas specializing in accounting & tax and finance management.
Previously she has worked as Office manager and Finance & HR administrator responsible for accounting and financial reporting, human resources and general management including legal and administrative support to staff.

Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection

Social and Health Attaché for North Macedonia, Project Manager
Master’s degree on political science and history, working in the Ministry since 1995, in the field of ESF, employment, labour market policy and VET (1995-2000), of international and bilateral relations (2000-2010), Social and Consumer Protection Attaché at Austrian Perm. Rep. in Brussels (2010-2014), Social and Health Attaché for North Macedonia (2014 – ongoing), Member of EUROFOUND Management Board (2014 – ongoing), Project Manager.
Sozialministerium-Intranet – Geschäftseinteilung und Organigramme

Merle Treichel, MBA holds degrees in Nursing Science and Health Management. She is an advisor on long-term care at the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection and is particularly involved with the implementation of various projects in the context of the development of the long-term care system.
Personen und Organisationen der österreichischen Bundesverwaltung (oesterreich.gv.at)

Legal Professional
Mag.a Leiss holds a degree in Law and is responsible for matters relating to long-term care provision at the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection.
Personen und Organisationen der österreichischen Bundesverwaltung (oesterreich.gv.at)

Chance B

Head of Innovation and Development Unit, Vice Executive Director of the Chance B Group
Michael Longhino has long-standing experience in managing international projects, he is member of various boards in the field of inclusion. His academic background is in sociology and he is a certified mediator.

Project manager
Karin Ondas has long-standing experience working in the social sector, especially at the intersection between politics, policy and practice. Expertise in change management, organizational development and facilitation. Her academic background is in social sciences, with a focus on Human Rights and equal opportunities.

Sandra Probus
( Sandra Probus is currently on maternity leave.)
Sandra Probus is responsible for the financial and reporting level of projects conducted by the department of innovation and development of Chance B. As a project manager, Ms. Probus managed an Interreg-based project on lead partner level. She is familiar with project policies, regulations, and national principles. Ms. Probus has more than six years of working experience in the social sector, combining project management and social skills with a focus on budget responsibilities. She holds a diploma in business administration, an interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree, and a master’s degree in agroecology.

Christoph Lafer
(Christoph Lafer is replacing Sandra Probus in the project)
Christoph Lafer is currently responsible for funding management and project controlling at Chance B. He holds a master degree in business administration and has additional professional experience in marketing and quality management.

Monika Köck
As a graduate nurse, Monika Köck has long-standing experience in care for elderly persons. At present, she is a primary nurse in home-based care offered by Chance B. An important part of her work is counseling and organizing patient-centered care for elderly persons, to enable them to remain living at home.

Regina Entfellner
Regina Entfellner is trained as a nurse and has long-standing experience both in managing one of the mobile support teams in the region and in direct support of elderly persons living at home. She is not working at the operative level anymore and contributes her know-how to InCARE. Her goal in InCARE: to establish additional support structures that lead to an improvement of care at home.

Margit Gross
For over 10 years Margit Gross has been working as a therapist and lecturer with and for elderly and old people. She holds a degree in Psychology and Sociology, as well as a title in academic Gerontology.
Margit Gross focuses on topics like staying healthy in old age, memory training and help in dementia.

Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia (RCNM)

Project Coordinator Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia
Head of sector for programs, project work and mobilization of funds
Jasmina holds a BA in Social Science and ongoing MA on influence of the economic empowerment programme of victims of domestic violence their reintegration and re-socialization. She has 20 years extensive experience in human rights, social policy, rule of law, social inclusion, social services and labor market inclusion of vulnerable groups, with 10 years of proven management, coordination and team leadership skills working for international organizations.

Project Assistant – Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia
Kostadin Batkoski is the new RCNM Project Assistant, he is a replacement for Tamara Grbevska on the project during her maternity leave. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and has previous experience with project management of EU and USAID-funded projects mainly in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and awareness raising for environmental issues. He also has experience with data gathering, data processing, and analysis on various research projects, conducted by the Institute of Sociology and Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research at University “ss. Cyrli and Methodius” Skopje.

Project Assistant – Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia ( currently on maternity leave)
Tamara holds a BSc. Degree in Public Relations and Corporate Communications and a Micro-Master in Entrepreneurship Eco-Systems and Innovative Strategies. She has previous experience volunteering and working for national and international enterprises with vulnerable groups and people with disabilities in reinforcing their integration and inclusivity in the wider community, and their proper access to services. She also has previous project experience with implementing USAID international projects in North Macedonia.

Emergency Button Manager
Program Manager and Social Entrepreneur in social enterprises “Kopche” and “Nega Centar” – City Red Cross of Skopje
Aleksandra holds a BSc. in Social Policy and MSc. in Economics, with nine years’ experience within the City Red Cross of Skopje, in donor funded projects. Skilled project manager with focus on social issues with proven successful experience in project organization, planning and effective work with donors, beneficiaries, civil society sector, international organizations and all levels of Governmental Institutions. Representative in Social Economy Network for the RC social enterprises.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy - North Macedonia

Head of Department for European Integration and International Cooperation – Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Skopje)
Aleksandra Slavkoska holds bachelor degree in Business economics. She has extensive experience with programme and project design in the field of social policy, labour and early child development. As a civil servant in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy she contributed to planning and monitoring on social policy and employment issues.

Deputy Head of Department for European Integration and International Cooperation – Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Skopje)
Ankica Ivanovska holds МSc in Social Policy. She has 13 years’ experience as a public servant in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in monitoring and administrative check of EU funded projects (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance) in the field of social inclusion and employment, experience in certifying providers of social services and social policy issues.

Deputy Head of Social Protection Department
Sofija Spasovska holds bachelor degree in Law with bar exam. She has 32 years of experience in the field of social protection, of which 14 years in Social Work Center Skopje.
Since 2003 she has been engaged in drafting and implementing laws, strategic documents, programs and projects in the field of social protection, social inclusion for vulnerable groups, establishment and development of the social protection system. She has extensive professional experience in designing and implementing social services, including community-based social services for various vulnerable groups on national level.
Ministry of Health, North Macedonia
State Advisor for EU integration and international affairs
Mihajlo Kostovski holds a Master degree in European Social Security. He has a rich experience in various projects related to health care and health insurance, social welfare and inclusion of persons with disability, Roma and other vulnerable groups; experience in projects within the policy decision process on national and international level. Kostovski is a President of the Management Board of Public Health Institution Specialized Hospital for Geriatric and Palliative Medicine “November 13”.

IMSERSO (Institute for Older Persons and Social Services)

Head of International Relations Unit (IMSERSO)
Montero Rey holds a Degree in Law (Complutense University of Madrid). He has been dealing with social issues at international level since 1992 within Spanish Ministry of Labour (Vocational Training Advisory Committee of European Union, CEDEFOP-Centre de Développement de la Formation Professionnelle) and from 2007 within IMSERSO- Ministry for Social Rights and 2030 Agenda (OEWGA-Open Ended Working Group on Ageing of United Nations, UNECE-Standing Working Group on Ageing, WG-LTC-Working Group on Long-Term Care of the Social Protection Committee of the EU, Working Group on Incapable Adults of Family Law Experts Committee of Council of Europe, ISTO-International Social Tourism Organization…)

Silvia Oliva holds a Chemical Engineer (University of Zaragoza, 2007), she has experience in management of public centres, she has also completed an advanced course in management of socio-health centres and training in public innovation, strategic knowledge management, person-centred care model and friendly cities for elderly people. She is currently the Director of the State Reference Centre for Social and Health Care for Dependent People in Soria (Imserso, Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030). She worked in a private enterprise from 2007 to 2010 and from 2010 to 2019 in the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

María Ramón is an Occupational Therapist (University of Zaragoza, 2004) and Nurse (University of Valladolid, 2008). She has experience in direct care with users and in the coordination of professional teams. She is currently Responsible for Centre Management at the State Reference Centre for Social and Health Care for Dependent Persons in Soria (Imserso, Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030). She worked in the private sector from 2004 to 2008, from 2008 to 2009 in the Ministry of Health and from 2010 to 2021 in the Ministry of Interior.

Technical Support- IMSERSO
Maite Pozo holds a Degree in Psychology. She has been involved at international level in different projects targeted at vulnerable groups (people with disabilities, Roma population, children etc..). Moreover, she managed cooperation actions within IMSERSO with South American countries and also she leaded the Age-Friendly Cities programme in close collaboration with regional governments and municipalities as well.

Administrative support- IMSERSO
Angela Fadón has more than 30 years of experience in IMSERSO’s activities in relation with cooperation programmes on people with disabilities and older people as well in South American countries, namely through RIICOTEC (Intergovernmental Iberoamerican Network for Technical Cooperation).

Matia Gerontological Institute

Researcher – Matia Gerontological Institute (Madrid)
Dr. García holds a PhD Psychology and MSc in behavioural therapy. He has been researching in clinical psychology on learning processes in the clinical context, behaviour and cognition in the elderly, the development of assessment tools, user centred design and currently is work is focused in the Person Centred Care model development and coordination and integration of services in long term care in Spain.

Sara holds a PhD in Psychology from Santiago de Compostela University (2016) and a Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology, Forensic Law and Social Intervention (2012). Her thesis project consisted in the development of a validated measurement tool for active ageing from an individual point of view, referring to the important dimensions for people. She has experience in methodologies such as Design Thinking as a teacher in the Designthinking.gal project andVermisLAB.

Miren Iturburu graduated in Chemistry at the University of the Basque Country in 1989. Since 2007 she has been working at Matia Instituto as a researcher in subjects related to the field of the elderly and disabilities. She is a specialist in Psychosocial Intervention in Gerontology in 2009, holds a Master’s degree in Ageing from the University of Murcia in 2011 and a postgraduate degree in Social and Health Ethics from the University of the Basque Country in 2021. She participates in and coordinates both national and European research projects (Hazitek, Elkartek, Erasmus+ among others). Since 2015 Miren has been working on projects related to frailty and the promotion of physical activity as a preventive measure and to improve the functional capacity of the elderly. She is also working on projects for the exchange of good practices and the development of training actions for care professionals in both home and residential settings.
She is a member of the Care Ethics Committee of Matia Fundazioa.

Trainer – Itziar Gurrutxaga
Graduated in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) in 2016, Interuniversity Master in Psychogerontology from the University of Salamanca (USAL) in 2017. She has worked as a psychologist and psychosocial intervention monitor in gerontological centers.
She is currently working at Matia Instituto as a trainer in basic training courses for caregivers in the family environment.

Nerea Galdona – Researcher – Matia Gerontological Institute (Madrid)
Nerea Galdona has her doctorate in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country (2011). Licentiate in Psychology, Master’s in Psychosocial Intervention in Psychosocial Gerontology (2002) and Master’s in Social Technology from the University of the Basque Country (2006).
His research focuses on the study of emotional experiences and regulation and their influence on Subjective Well-being and Quality of Life throughout the life cycle, with special attention to ageing and the elderly. She also participates in several research projects related to the promotion of successful ageing and the prevention of frailty.
Her research has won awards on numerous occasions, including in 2005, with the Caja Madrid Research Award for the “Donostia Longitudinal Study on Alzheimer’s disease: Efficacy of non-pharmacological therapies,” in 2007 with the Fundación Colegio Huérfanos de Hacienda [Orphans College of Finance Foundation] (CHH) Research Prize for “Severe cognitive impairment: The forgotten” and in 2008 with the Infanta Cristina Award for “Subjective Dimensions of Ageing.”

Researcher – Amaia Olano
Graduated in Psychology from the Public University of the Basque Country in 2019 and Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology from the Public University of the Basque Country in 2022. She has supported the services of Matia Etxean and Matia Orienta, as well as the Etxean Bizi project, carrying out actions related to the community. She is currently working at Matia Instituto as a technician in different projects related to the community field..

Trainer – Iraia Aguirregabiria
Degree in Psychology from the Public University of the Basque Country (2008). Collaboration grant from the Basque Government (2008). Specialist in Psychosocial Intervention at Matia Fundazioa (2009). Master’s Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2013). Thesis on Anosognosia in dementia and mild cognitive impairment.
Experience since 2013 as a Psychologist in several gerontological centres and day centres and as a Coordinator in the Home Help Service and Day Centres.
She is currently working at Matia Instituto as a trainer in basic training courses for carers in the family environment and as a therapist in the SENDIAN Programme.

Knowledge Dissemination Advisor – Pura Diaz-Veiga
Pura Diaz Veiga earned a licentiate in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid in 1979. In 1985, she earned the Degree and in 2004, the Diploma of Advanced Studies.
She has participated in several Research projects related to gerontology and disability. She has taught Master courses and Courses related to Social Gerontology and Disability in various Spanish and Latin American institutions.
She has worked in Research Teams at the Autonomous University of Madrid and as a Psychologist in Primary Care Team of the Territorial Delegation of ONCE in Valladolid. She is the author of over 30 publications including the “When older people need help” Guide, published by IMSERSO (1997) and the “Manual for psychological intervention in adjustment to visual impairment,” published by ONCE (2003). She is also a Reviewer for the Journal of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. Since 2007, she been part of the Technical Committee of the Company and since June 2010 she has been part of its Board of Directors.

Daniel Pietro – Researcher and Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid
D. in Sociology and associate professor of the Department of Sociology V of the UCM. Specialized in qualitative research and ethnographic documentary. Author and co-author of several publications and documentary videos, his lines of work revolve around issues related to care, disability, aging and social exclusion.

Maider Azurmendi – Director of Home and Community Care
Diploma in Social Work from the University of the Basque Country in 1997 and a Degree in Social Work from the UNED in 2017 Specialisation in gerontology and psychogeriatrics (Matia Fundazioa 2001). University specialist in direction and management of gerontological and socio-health programmes and centres. University School of business studies. University of the Basque Country 2006. Maider Azurmendi currently works at Matia Fundazioa as a cooperation manager and is the Coordinator of the home care area of Matia Fundazioa. She has worked as a Social Worker in different gerontological centres. She has been director of the Lamourous and Argixao centres of Matia Fundazioa.