To facilitate the continuity of social innovation projects, which are usually developed in a limited…

InCARE nomination for ESN’s European Social Services Awards (ESSA)
Our partnership is very proud to share that InCARE has been nominated for ESN’s European Social Services Awards (ESSA)! ESSA recognises outstanding achievements in social services, shining a spotlight on successful new approaches.
As the sole Awards for social services in Europe, ESSA aims to:
- identify and promote best practices in social services
- recognise excellent work done in the field across Europe
- facilitate peers to work with and support each other in improving their practice.
In previous years the European Social Services Awards have highlighted projects in quality care, community care, resilience in social services and innovation for social change. The theme for the 2023 edition of the European Social Services Awards is ‘Promoting Person-centred Care’.
Under this year’s theme, the Awards will recognise the organisations and people that are rethinking their services to provide care which is centred around the person, coordinated between services and professionals and enables people to live independent lives and be fully included in their communities. The European Social Network wants to give visibility to effective and/or innovative approaches in the delivery of services, workforce management/development, integrated and coordinated services, research and evaluation, and the use of digital and technological tools to provide person-centred care in social services.
Discover these projects and vote here!
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