To facilitate the continuity of social innovation projects, which are usually developed in a limited…

New publication: Policy brief Nr.5 on outcomes, impact, sustainability and scale up of the Emergency button pilot in North Macedonia
The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia (RCNM) implemented a pilot intervention focusing on an innovative community-based approach. The core element of the pilot intervention was the integration of an Emergency Button Service within its home care package as part of the broader InCARE EaSi call project. With the support of its policy partners, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, and the Ministry of Health, the Northern Macedonian pilot aimed to improve care for dependent elderly.
The InCARE project used the Theory of Change approach, which involves working closely with multiple stakeholders including care users to meticulously draft the project’s strategic direction, develop relevant interventions, and monitor and evaluate its progress. This approach is often implemented through a series of participatory workshops where stakeholders identify the intended impact, the required outcomes, necessary activities, critical assumptions and the ceiling of accountability which indicates the elements of the Theory of Change responsible for driving a certain aspect of impact.
Read the Policy Brief here for more details on the outcomes, impact and sustainability of this pilot.
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