To facilitate the continuity of social innovation projects, which are usually developed in a limited…

InCARE Policy Brief available on the outcomes and impact of the Austrian pilot project – sustainability and potential for scale-up.
Based on the experience and lessons learnt from the pilot implementation, this Policy Brief summarizes some key points about sustainability and potential for scale-up. This publication discusses the results according to the seven project implementation indicators that were developed in line with the Austrian Theory of Change workshop:
- Local stakeholders can access the same information about options to receive care and support all over the district.
- People with care and support needs and their social networks can easily access timely information about options to receive care support all over the district.
- Care users have a choice in the type of care that reflects their preference.
- Older people with care and support needs can access tailored care and support at the right time and place.
- Older people with care and support needs have a high quality of life.
- Women [and men] who provide care work (formally and/or informally) experience relief.
- Women [and men] who provide care work (formally and/or informally) can provide quality care.
Read the Policy Brief here.
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