This work package focuses on building a strong knowledge base for the successful implementation of the project and transferring technical and thematic know-how to local project partners. It will build on available evidence, best practices and public attitudes towards social innovation in LTC at international and national level to ensure project activities are grounded in a good understanding of the challenges and opportunities for innovative LTC services and policies in Europe. WP1 activities will support subsequent tasks in WP2 (situational analysis), WP4 (Policy toolkit), WP5 (national pilots) and WP7 (evaluation).
The tasks include:
- A review of the literature on social innovation in LTC
- The design and implementation of a survey aimed to develop a good understanding of attitudes, experiences and expectations on LTC in Europe
- A series of technical and thematic trainings for the local project teams and local collaborators.
The results of activities in this work package will be summarized and published in:
- A policy brief on promoting social innovation in LTC;
- A policy information brief on public attitudes to LTC;
- Tools and trainings materials on evidence synthesis, participatory decision-making processes and evaluation to support the implementation of long-term care innovation intiatives.
What is the survey about?
The InCARE survey is modelled after the Special Eurobarometer 283 / Wave 67.3 (fielded across Europe in 2007) and covers a wide variety of topics related to the experiences, preferences and expectations of individuals with respect to long-term care. The collected data will allow us to understand how people view care for older persons with support needs and how they want those close to them or themselves to be looked after, should they need it. At the same time, it will provide insights into people’s experiences with receiving or providing care, as well as their expectations for the future.
What is the purpose of this survey?
Our main goal is to ensure that people are given a chance to express their opinions on long-term care and that their voice is included in the on-going policy debates on how to shape long-term care systems in the future. We will use the results obtained from the survey to raise awareness of the challenges faced by older people with care needs and their families, and to advocate for policies that can support them.
You can read some of the comments and testimonials of our respondents here.
How is the survey implemented?
The survey was launched online in September 2021 and will continue until January 2022. It is available at: in 9 European languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Romanian, Dutch, Macedonian and Albanian. The survey is targeted at the general population and can be filled in by any person 18 years or older.
Translations of the InCARE survey instrument, validation and dissemination are jointly undertaken by the InCARE project partners and a group of external collaborators, who have made possible the expansion of the survey beyond the InCARE pilot countries. Our external collaborators will also support the analysis of obtained data, elaboration of publications for a variety of audiences and the dissemination of results at national and European level.
For further details please write to or to our national collaborators (listed below).
Collaborators (countries listed in alphabetical order):
Gender Alliance for Development Centre (GADC)
INRCA IRCCS, National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing, Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing
Contact person: Flavia Piccinini –
Social Services Unit, Centre for Social Work of Pristina
Contact person(s): Blerim Shabani –
Vebi Mujku –
Republic of Moldova
HelpAge International
Contact person(s): Dina Ciubotaru –
Tatiana Sorocan –
Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy, Department of Public Health Babes- Bolyai University
Contact person: Marius Ungureanu –
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Spiru Haret University Bucharest
Contact person: Raluca Sfetcu –
The situational analysis will focus on the systematic assessment of the current situation of LTC services in the project countries, including strengths, weaknesses and their causal roots. It builds on the WHO country assessment framework for the integrated delivery of long-term care to provide an in-depth evaluation of system performance, collating data on sustainability, efficiency, accessibility, equity and quality of care for older people with cognitive and functional impairment.
This will provide an evidence- base for identifying mismatches between demand and supply of care and the specific issues to be prioritized for policy intervention and for designing and implementing a relevant pilot intervention in each country. The analysis will cover information and dynamics both at national level and at the regional level relevant for pilot implementation.
The results will be summarised and published in:
- National reports on the LTC landscape (in English);
- Policy briefs on potential for social innovation in LTC in Austria, Spain and North Macedonia (in national languages);
- An overview of national and international data sources on key demographic, epidemiological, economic, social, LTC system indicators.
The multi-stakeholder theory of change (ToC) workshops will engage a wide range of stakeholders and gatekeepers in a dialogue on identifying and addressing the challenges to LTC service provision in each project country. By creating a space for conversation and cooperation, the workshops will work towards developing a cohesive vision for national policy and LTC service development.
By empowering local stakeholders to plan, organize and run ToC multi-stakeholder workshops in their country, the InCARE project will also ensure the transfer of key skills for planning and applying participatory decision-making approaches as well as the exchange of practice and knowledge between country teams (horizontal learning).
The results will be summarized and published in:
- Short workshop reports on country-specific ToC processes;
- A policy information brief on lessons from the comparative analysis of participatory decision-making approaches in LTC system development.
The Policy Toolkit work package will build on the detailed understanding of the current LTC system situation in each country in order to estimate the societal costs of cognitive and functional impairment and their distribution across sectors and groups over the next decades. Drawing on the information generated through all formative research activities, the project team, in cooperation with key stakeholders, will develop a roadmap for LTC service development.
The policy toolkit aims to support LTC policy-making at local and national levels in the medium term and to add to the evidence-base needed to inform future systems reforms. It aims to map a pathway towards the change local and national stakeholders envision for the LTC system. Furthermore, it will focus on identifying opportunities for the generation, adoption and scale-up of social innovation both in policy processes (participatory and inclusive decision-making) and in LTC service provision.
InCARE will deliver 3 policy roadmap documents (including technical annexes) and 3 policy information events (one in each implementation country).